LodeStar curates a variety of content through our Lending Lenders
podcast, Reports newsletter, and Deeper Thoughts blog.

Lending Leaders

Employee Retention and Attracting Talent with Marcia O’Connor

Marcia Zaruba-O’Connor visited with us at LLL recently. She’s a fellow Philadelphia 100 honoree and the CEO and founder of the O’Connor Group, a talent acquisition and human resources provider.


Deeper Thoughts

Easing Margin Compression Starts with Accurate Metrics – September 21st, 2021

We throw the term “mortgage lenders” around a bit casually here at Deeper Thoughts. In most cases, it suits the purpose. However, when you get down to it, all mortgage lenders are not created equally.


Lending Leaders

The Fight Against Wire Fraud with Regina Lowrie

We had the honor of visiting again with Regina Lowrie, CMB, the President and CEO of Dytrix, and one of the industry’s true thought leaders. Here’s what she discussed with our own Jim Paolino.


Everything Else

WEBINAR: What is an LOS and Why Should I Care?

Join us on Tuesday September 21st at 2pm EST to learn more about Loan Origination Systems and how providing your fees directly to the lender can provide you with a competitive edge.


Deeper Thoughts

A Little More on the Value of Clarity – September 14th, 2021

The power of clarity, one of the beats to which the LodeStar brand marches, is never more pronounced than during the closing process of a mortgage transaction. Unfortunately, it’s usually the lack of clarity that lenders and title agents hear about from borrowers and REALTORS.


Lending Leaders

What’s Happening at LodeStar? With Brian Rieger

Our own Jim Paolino had the tables turned on him, as he was interviewed by Content Beacon’s Brian Rieger about the great year LodeStar’s had so far in 2021. He also discussed some very big news about the brand’s future.


Deeper Thoughts

On Clarity and The Three C’s: Bringing the Mortgage Transaction into Focus – September 7th, 2021

Well, we’re officially into the fall season. At least, as far as the mortgage industry is concerned. Although there may be some uncertainty out there about the lingering pandemic, the changing market and even conference season; think back to this time last year and compare (or contrast). We may not yet be back to “normal,” whatever that means. But we certainly are moving forward.


Deeper Thoughts

This Autumn, There Will Be a Lot to Talk About! – August 31st, 2021

Yes, we did tease this topic a bit a few weeks ago. However, that posting was intended more as an observation or reflection on mid-summer. I hope you all managed to get a little rest and refreshment, because Labor Day, which is the virtual, annual green flag for what tends to be the most frenetic time of year in business, is on top of us. We have a lot to discuss.


Deeper Thoughts

There’s Something to be Said for Doing One Thing Well – August 24th, 2021

First things first. Thank you to MPA for naming us among its 5-Star Mortgage Technology Providers recently. To think that our Closing Cost Calculator has propelled LodeStar onto some of the same lists occupied regularly by some of the largest companies in the mortgage industry is truly humbling.